Kicking somebody during a fight can be more dangerous than using a sharp or blunt weapon, research shows. A study of 25,000 people admitted to A&E found use of feet was more likely to inflict serious injury than blunt or sharp objects or fists. However, the Violence Research Group in Cardiff, found weapons caused Through a Rapist’s Eyes A group of rapists and date rapists in prison were interviewed on what they look for in a potential victim and here are some interesting facts: This is a simple Kata, but at the same time very complex, with healing powers, that extinguish stress related conditions and add confidence in all situations in how you feel in your mind Below are the 10 most common attacks, male on male, taken from police figures, witness statements etc for UK and Europe. As I stepped out from the airplane to my surprise I was greeted by one of the senior instructors who escorted me through Passport Control and waiting in the arrival lounge my good friends Sharon and Eitan who drove me to Pardes Hanna (Hanna’s Orchard) where I would stay for the duration of my trip. For those that have graded under Sensei George in the past, not only at the Institute but around the world, know that it is no easy task and that everyone is given equal opportunity to achieve their goal irrespective of Ability, Gender, Race, Religious Conviction, Maturity or Sexual Preference. Ladies and Gentlemen please fasten your seat belts, as the plane descended towards Reykjavik Airport, I looked out of the window and the land is covered with a blanket of snow and protruding from the snow was Mountains and Hills of black volcanic rock accompanied by temperatures and Geothermal water which is used to heat around 90% of Iceland’s homes. This was a special event due to it being the 10th anniversary of my visit to Poland; I was met by Sensei Mariana Czlkowskiego and Anrzej Markowfke who drove me to Lebork from Gdansk, as I left the airport I was welcomed by the presents of snow and temperatures to match. |
George AndrewsChief Instructor OTGKA Archives
February 2022