Sunday 18th November
I arranged a Hojo Undo (Supplementary Training) course at the OTGKA Honbu Dojo, in Peckham, London. The course ran for 3 hours and in that time the people experienced an array of training aids. For some it was their first time that they had utilised these implements. We started with Chikara Ishi (Strength Stone) over 10 disciplines, which is called Chishi Kata, it was a complete eye opener for some. Then it was to Tetsu Sashi (Iron Lock) most exercises, if not all, are concentrating on grip and the forearm. Next they tried Nigiri Gami (Gripping Jars) and I explained in detail the history, reason and benefits of each apparatus. After a water break most were feeling the fatigue, and then it was to the Kongo Ken (Diamond Ring). This apparatus was invented by the Hawaiian Wrestlers and its shape was modified by Miyagi Chojun Bushi. If you would like to see the original Kongo Ken then go to Youtube and put in Kings of the Square Ring, there you will Tony Inoki training with it. See link below, from 42 minutes, starting with footage of Goju Ryu push ups. Next they were introduced to Makiwara (Rolled Straw). However, in today’s society we use leather, due to Hygiene and Health and Safety. In the old days in Okinawa many seniors after punching the Makiwara would go to the side and Urinate on their knuckles because there was no Antiseptic so the urine would act as a Antiseptic. Today with have more advanced methods. Due to the pressure on the grip through all the disciplines, I also introduced Dexterity Balls (Handiness Balls) with the greatest respect I made it look easy due to many practice, some people felt confident starting, but it soon came apparent that it was much harder then anticipated. To conclude I promised no Karate – Do, but I could not resist finishing with Sticky Hands, all seemed to enjoy the finish. To conclude all appetites were replenished, a good day had by all. My special thanks to the contingent from Kyokushin Kai, Lee Jackson, Louise Fenney and Michael Humphries. There was a suggestion to repeat these courses 3 times a year, so I will incorporate them in my Calendar for 2019. George Andrews I always like to arrive 3 days before the Gasshuku starts to give the Chief Instructor and Assistants private training to enhance their enthusiasm. On arriving at Gdansk Airport I was met by Andrzej Markowski and after a 2 hour drive we arrived at the Guest House where I was staying, Słoneczny Dom ul. Słoneczna 20 84-360 Łeba - Nowecin Poland. Next morning I gave private training to Sensei Marian Czyikowski teaching him Suparinpai Kata in detail. In the evening he took me to his new Dojo and I conducted a class for some of the people that had helped him renovate the Dojo. The training started on Friday evening, I covered all Basics and Combinations. On Saturday morning it was the Children first and we had a great time although it was only a small group, then it was time for Adults. Sensei Adam Litwinski came, it was nice to see him again. After a short warm up the next 4 hours was Self-defense and Combinations, the last hour was for Yudansha in Kata detail. In February I will by in Poland again to give a Gasshuku to Black Belts only, detail in advance Kata and Applications. This would be a great opportunity for all Black Belts in Poland to come together and enjoy a training w/end, Contact Sensei Marian for details. Sensei George Andrews Photos courtesy of Marian Czylkowski
George AndrewsChief Instructor OTGKA Archives
February 2022