The Dojo is our Salvation and to some a Sanctuary. It is a place where you learn about yourself and people, in time these people will become acquaintances if not friends, so the Dojo is a focal point that not only enables you to achieve a healthier way of life but also generates Self-confidence, Social interaction and Team work.
The Dojo is a pure domain, there is lots of energy that is generated through diligent training and hard work and faith, so what you attain from the teachings in the Dojo you should help to maintain its purity by regularly cleaning every corner of the Dojo with Love. When cleaning the Kamidana (Alter) and the Busaganashi do not use any water or any chemical subtends just remove all dust the best you can, the pictures of the founder Miyagi Chojun Bushi, Shinzato Jinan Sensei and Miyagi An’ichi Sensei must be Black and White only because they are deceased, and pictures of active Masters can be coloured and placed on the side or back of the Dojo, the Mirrors, Windows, Furniture and fittings with a cleaning spray and the Floor if wood, should be done by hand with a cloth not with a mop, all members of low grades volunteer first. Cleaning should be done every week. This is “Giri “which roughly means Duty or Obligation to the Sensei and the Dojo. George Andrews |
George AndrewsChief Instructor OTGKA Archives
February 2022