The weekend of the 21st and 22nd of March saw a fantastic turn out at the Sheffield OTGKA course. The Saturday brought some 60 students while on Sunday, despite it being Mothers Day we still had around 40 students turn up.There was a very sizeable presence from the south in attendance, it was good to see banter and camaraderie developing between our ‘guests' and ‘the locals'. The visitors had a great time and after their experiences over the weekend I hope that they will be back next time and in greater numbers
The venue was very good, a brand new academy school with great motorway links, and easy to find for our visitors. The classes were split 4 ways with the groupings being 9th -4th kyu, 3rd -1st kyu, shodan and nidan and 3rd dan and above.The hall was easily big enough to accommodate the 4 groups who were taught in rotation by Sensei Andrews, Sensei Marchant and Senseis Barker and Budden
Sensei George concentrated on kata for all grades, with 3rd Dan and up covering kata in great detail from Kururunfa to Suparimpei. The Shodan and Nidan groups Sanseru and Sepai, brown belts Seiunchin, Shisochin and Renzoku Bunkai and Gekisai Kata for the kyu grades.
Sensei Marchant, kept all groups on their toes with lots of partnered moving basics, tai-sabaki and brain sapping combinations. Punching when retreating and blocking whilst advancing caused brain ache to some of the groups!
Sensei Barker, had all groups cover oyo bunkai in kakie form relevant to their grade, standard bunkai and some alternative renzoku bunkais were covered on the Sunday.
Sensei Budden, a former national kumite team competitor used his experience to create jiyu ippon scenarios that blossomed into ever more complex routines as the minutes of the session marched on.
I would like to thank everyone for taking part and making the course the great success it was. Winchester beware of the Viking invasion when you host the next Association course in October.