This was the first time Sensei Tony has been to my current dojo. In the early days his visits were to the Marble Factory so for him it was quite a shock and a pleasure to see my new dojo for the first time, he said it feels like there is lots of energy present. He also was impressed with the setup we have at the Honbu Dojo.
The training started with me conducting the warm up which would consist of the IOGKF basic warm up, then Sensei’s Christian and Bewley introduced everyone to knife defence, I counted about 28 people and they all were very impressed with not only the techniques but the detail and explanations that Sensei Tony gave.
I finished the class with supplementary training with Chi Ishi in concert with combinations of hand techniques. Then everyone put on boxing gloves and faught hands only for 6 - 7 fights and then 2 onto 1 for 5 minutes followed by all on to all, everyone was exhausted!
After lunch it was time for what would be the climax of the day, a lecture and slide presentation by Sensei Tony’s student Dr Gary Masterson MA, MB, BChir, DA, FRCA, FRCP on being hit by an adversary with hand and foot or weapon and the outcome of the injuries sustained.
After the lecture people’s expressions said it all, I would like to thank Dr Masterson for given his time and expertise.