Last Saturday 26th June there was a festival to celebrate Okinawan Culture in London and what a fantastic day, the weather was gorgeous temperatures in the 30’s and the venue was in the heart of London namely Spitalfields Market, where there has been a market on the site since 1638 when Charles I of England gave a license to sell produce.
The festival started around 11am with Ryukyuan Classical Court Music followed by Okinawan Folk Music and then a special treat Eisa Dancing where everyone could join in, it was wonderful to see members of families taking part in the dancing.
Also as part of the event Exhibitions, Okinawan Food & Cocktail Drinks, Craft Stalls and more, the OTGKA was invited by the Okinawan Committee of London to perform a demonstration of Okinawan Traditional Goju – Ryu Karate – Do, we performed twice that day to an audience of about 300 people and they enjoyed every minute.
My special thanks to the parents and students who took part, they were Nick Radford, Dave Amber, Sergio Agosti, Reon Campell, Dave Mills and Thomas Kiessling.
The event is supported by Embassy of Japan in the U.K, Japan National Tourism Organization, Okinawa Prefecture, Okinawa Convention and Visitors Bureau and the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.