The Goju Ryu of the Lion. This is the person that has loyalty running through their blood and strong family ties, and for whom the traditions of the clan are paramount
They only need to show their strength to an obdurate adversary who threatens their ancestral principles. They will protect until the end, and will always receive the lion's share.
The Goju Ryu of the Tiger. This is the person who only shows their skill to benefit their requirements, but leads a solitary existence with nothing to prove.
Their only wish is to survive and provide for the future. Its sheer beauty, strength and camouflage will be a challenge to the most formidable adversary.
They are not the type to share either their appearance or their ability, in fact you will be lucky to see them at all.
The Goju Ryu of the Fighting Dog. This is the person who only thinks how they can benefit without consideration to anybody else.
Whatever they consume, they will regurgitate when they are alone, because they refuse to share, and will follow only to deceive you.
They will not think twice about abusing their position and hope that they have not been noticed. Their nature is to consume what other dogs have left behind.