After a busy 7 months travelling and teaching around the world it was time to chillout in the Holy land with a few friends, hiring a car is a must if you are travelling around the country particularly if time is a factor.
We made our way to Padis Hana for a couple of nights so I could conduct a one day Gasshuku at Sensei Leon’s Dojo in Netanya the training was for Black and Brown belts only the request was to scrutinise and break down each Kata, and after training I was invited to dinner by Sensei Leon’s wife Norma which was very enjoyable in one of the many restaurants in Netanya.
Then the next day we made our way to the Sea of Galilee it was a 2 hour drive where the temperature was reaching 39c, fortunately we have our own private beach and so we could sleep under the stars in our Mosquito nets.
The Sea of Galilee is sweet water and as an array of birds that roam its shores these include Kingfishers, White Cranes, Parrots and Birds of Pray. In residents at the place where we stay are a family of Mongoose which at dawn chatter while searching for a meal.
Sunrise is around 6 – 6.30am and at that time it is warm and your body is already perspiring, so the solution is to jump in the Sea of Galilee and cool off, and after a 20 - 30 minutes mediation and a cup of herbal tea with honey, will welcome the day.
Every day in the afternoon when the heat starts to cool down I would invite my friend Eitan to train in Kata he as been training with me for 36 years he is also a Doctor of Mathematics and as lectured in China on the history of computers quite a clever chap really.
When ever my family visit Israel my wife always requests a visit to the Dead Sea, Its surface and shores are 422 metres (1385 ft) below sea level, the lowest elevation on the Earth's surface on dry land and the temperature was 44c so to return to a air-conditioned car was a blessing.
On our return to Padis Hana I invited some of the seniors to train in the garden Dojo, they were very happy for this opportunity.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank Norma and Kambukai of IOGKF Israel for their hospitality.